The Power of Distance Reiki

Did you know that it’s possible to send Reiki healing all over the world, without even leaving the sofa? 

I’m a massive fan of distance reiki, to the extent that I sometimes find it even more powerful than doing a one-on-one treatment! I’ve had some truly amazing experiences when sending distance healing, it seems only fair to share these wonderful encounters.

For those of you that aren’t aware, from time to time I take requests for complimentary healing, something I call Reiki Tuesdays. This is open to anyone that sends me a request, on a first-come first-serve basis. After each session I make a note of anything I picked up on – from physical pain to emotional turmoil – and send it directly to the person, who will usually respond with some feedback.

These distance reiki sessions are often scarily accurate, I’m always surprised by the things I pick up on! It’s a blessing to be able to do what I do. So here are a few of my favourite experiences, with the permission of the receiver of course.

Sunshine and Smiles, KJ x


Beth Barron


My comments: 

Was it your left ankle that you broke? I was guided to the left leg.
Have you been suffering from migraines?
Have you been having some form of panic / anxiety attacks / asthma?
With regards to the split from your partner, I didn’t feel like this was the first time you had split, have you been close to splitting before? I felt like you wanted to make a go of things but he didn’t.


Oh my god I did feel relaxed during the distance reiki session and suddenly I wasn’t so upset. Yes it was my left ankle and when I’ve been upset I have had anxiety attacks!

Er yes you’re right about the boyfriend split! We almost broke up on monday but I thought we’d worked through it! You’re spot on, its crazy! Feeling a little tight chested on how accurate you were ! Thank you so much, I feel a lot stronger than I did earlier, you truly have a gift and thank you for using it on me x x

Andrea Louise Hearn

My comments: 
Are you having sharp pains in your stomach? Pain on the right-hand side?
Are you taking some medication that’s making you feel very sick or has a funny taste? I feel really sick.


Pains are sharp in the stomach and I have lower back pain on the right-hand side. I am taking liquid paraffin – which tastes awful! And medication to stop me from being sick. I’m always sick about this time of the night but tonight is the first time I haven’t been sick!! That’s amazing!!!

Thank you!!
Xx xx


My Comments:

Is the pain in the right leg?
I am drawn to the stomach, do you have digestion problems?
Your head feels very heavy and full.
I was also drawn to your ears, symbolising balance.


The day before the treatment I had walked into a chair at work, I was in so much pain that I was considering going to the hospital the next morning if it wasn’t better. The night of the treatment I fell asleep on the sofa.
The next morning when I woke up  feeling 150% better, it was amazing! I noticed straight away that I could walk much better and there was only a slight bit of pain. I went from shuffling along like an old lady to being able to walk normal.

I do have digestion problems, something Kalie would not have known. Also have had a lot going on in my head.
I can’t believe the difference it made, I’m very grateful for my distance reiki healing treatment! x


My comments:

I was drawn to the throat and chest areas. Have you had throat trouble, possibly even seen a throat specialist?
The throat area is linked to a lack of expression, not being able to express yourself
Do you have a tight chest, sometimes have difficulty breathing? Possibly even asthma. I get the feeling this is something to do with smoke, although I’m not sure that you smoke.
I feel that you tend to let health issues slide but you need to take them more seriously
Something to do with weak arms / aching / pain?


It’s all throat! I’ve had two operations and I lose my voice regularly, it is from smoke, although I’ve never smoked myself.  I do have bad asthma.
About being able to express myself – no one listens to me even though I know a lot, and talk a lot!
The arm – the pain might just be from training! Very very good though!
Thank you!! Xxx

Client Testimonials

For me, the best part of giving Reiki healing comes after the treatment. Knowing that I’ve been able to help someone in some way is very touching, and being the sensitive soul that I am, it often brings a tear to my little eye.

There are many reasons why I like to share positive feedback but largely because so many people have yet to discover the benefits of reiki healing – after all it’s not something your local GP happens to mention, whilst writing you a prescription for pain killers.

If you’re at the end of your tether with traditional medicine, perhaps it’s time to give alternative therapies a go? But why take my word for it when you can see exactly how it has helped others?

Here are a few words from some recent clients.
Sunshine and Smiles, KJ x

Hi Kalie, just want to thank you for a wonderful experience having recently had Reiki healing with you.

I have suffered with neck and upper back pains for several years and found it difficult to relax my shoulder and neck area. The problem started after I was in a car accident back in 1999, I had acupuncture for over a year to help to relax the muscles in my neck as physiotherapy was too risky to perform on me.

I also have other health issues to deal with and was sceptical when a friend told me about you and your Reiki healing, but thought let’s give it a go.

I was amazed how you helped me to relax and even more amazed that after my Reiki session my neck and back no longer feel tense or painful!! I feel great and so relaxed now.
My other health issues have also improved after a visiting my G.P. recently which I’m so ecstatic about.

I just can’t thank you enough for making me feel like a new person and I believe that you have healing hands Kalie . Keep up the good work.

From Jax

Thank you for the Reiki healing session, it was such a good experience, I really enjoyed it.

I hope that reiki will help me to relax and be more in tune with how to meditate and listen to my body. There are goals and aspirations that I would like to achieve soon and I hope that reiki will help me on that journey.

Mich x

Reiki and IVF Treatment

Ok, I’ve been meaning to share this story for several months now but as the saying goes, it’s better late than never!

A lady came to me for a treatment, she didn’t really know anything about Reiki but thought she’d like to give it a go. Before we started the session I sat her down and explained a bit about Reiki healing and asked if she had any health issues. She didn’t have any particular health concerns, but we were about to find out exactly why she had found her way to Reiki…

When we sat down she told me that she had been having IVF treatment in the UK although the first round of treatment had been unsuccessful. We discussed her lifestyle in the UK and how it had vastly improved since moving to Spain, enabling her to relax. Perhaps this was a better time to begin trying for a baby?

Before she ‘jumped on the couch’, so to speak, I decided I would test out a little technique that we learnt during my Reiki II course, using one of the sacred symbols. I wanted to see if I could pick up the reason as to why she hadn’t been able to fall pregnant. To do this I needed to look at her and visualise the symbol, a technique that proved very succesful for me during my training.

This is going to sound crazy, and believe me it felt it at the time, but I began to see an egg. Why on earth was I seeing an egg? Unfortunately people can read me like a book and the puzzled look on my face seemed to give me away. ‘Is everything ok?’ she asked. I reassured her that all was well.

Before I knew it this random egg had transformed into a chocolate Easter egg – and no I wasn’t craving chocolate at the time! I tried not to spend too long deciphering its meaning and instead moved onto the treatment.

At the start of the session I placed my hands on the ladies head, where I picked up on a variety of things about the current situations in her life. But as I moved onto her stomach everything began to make sense…

Something we both noticed was the remarkable heat radiating from my hands in this area, the area a woman carries her child. I was once again being made aware of Easter, and an event in five months time. When my client said that she couldn’t identify anything significant happening around that time my suspicions were confirmed. She was going to get pregnant in five months time, during Easter. Of course it wasn’t my place to tell her this information.

Shortly after this I moved back to the UK and didn’t think any more of the experience. That is until I got a text message from my mum five months later, during Easter. It read:

“Guess who’s pregnant with twins?’

Beautiful Butterflies Part II: Reiki and Spirit Relatives

And so the story continues…

Butterflies have continued to surround us, from the white butterfly that visits our garden daily to my glasses decorated with butterflies and my recent tattoo featuring, wait for it, a lilac butterfly. Our latest project is to cover our new gazeebo with an array of the colourful creatures.

Butterflies hold a deep spiritual meaning, which varies from person to person but, generally speaking , they represent growth and transition. They are truly mesmerising and inspiring creatures. I have come to learn that butterflies also have another very significant meaning; a friend of mine believes that they are sent by our loved ones in the spirit world as a sign to let us know that they are around. Here is an experience that demonstrates this theory to be a fact.

During my Reiki II course we learnt how to send Distance Reiki Healing. We were asked to each bring in a photograph of a person we would like to send healing to, this person could be on this earth plane or in the spirit world, but we were taught that it’s possible to send reiki to the past, present or future, and therefore possible to send healing to our spirit friends and relatives.

I knew straight away who I would send healing to, and I knew it would be an emotional experience. When the time came we sat in our usual circle and prepared to send distance reiki. All that was left to do was to ask for a sign to know that they had received the healing. I think you can guess what I chose.

And there it was a couple of days later, a beautiful butterfly fluttering around my garden, the first of many to come.

Many of us receive signs from loved ones in the spirit world but sometimes we’re just too caught up in the material world to notice. Be aware of everything around you, and you may suddenly notice the signs. Not sure what to look for? Try asking for a particular sign, for some people it’s butterflies or rainbows, or even shiny pennies, but once you find that special sign, it will change your life forever.

Thank you Tina x

Reiki for me

Reiki can find you at any time or place and, on Wednesday night, Reiki found me, at the Pitcher & Piano in Liverpool Street…

Some people might find it slightly odd if a stranger in a bar asked them to hold out their hand and receive some healing, but as a Reiki Practitioner, I was quite open to the idea.

And it was a wonderful and unusual experience. I’ve never actually been to a salon for a Reiki treatment myself, but I’d very much like to in the near future. I of course give myself Reiki treatments, but I found that it was more powerful with someone else giving the healing.

The lady told me she sensed I needed the healing and asked me to put my hand on top of hers. She felt that I was upset and told me to relax and absorb the energy. And so I did. It was amazing, it was as if I could feel the energy travelling up my arm and throughout my body.

As always with Reiki, it was an emotional experience, and it didn’t take the tears long to start rolling. But I find that this means the energy is working. Emotions need to be released, and Reiki is the perfect way to do this.

But the most powerful part of the whole experience was when the lady put her hand at the back of my neck, it was unbelievable. My body felt so tingly and I was extremely relaxed. I knew what she meant when she said I needed some healing.

For the rest of the evening I felt so tingly and calm. It was a lovely. I can’t wait for my next Reiki treatment…

A Positive Empowerment

This weekend I went along to a Reiki I workshop to receive an empowerment. You’re probably thinking what an earth is an empowerment? Well basically, once you’re attuned to the Reiki energy, you usually receive one empowerment during the course, and one at least 21 days after, to strengthen the energy.

Essentially it’s a guided meditation, which leaves me personally, deeply relaxed and sleepy. It’s like having an out-of-body experience. The meditation takes you to a wonderful, peaceful place from which you can return at any moment, but you often don’t want to come back.

After the empowerment I stayed for the rest of the afternoon whilst the  students learnt how to channel Reiki and give a Reiki I treatment. I also tried my hand at a little Psychic Surgery, which was a fantastic experience. I shall write-up the experience in a separate post, but for now, here are some photos of the Reiki I students. Enjoy…

Connecting to the energy - At the beginning of a treatment the practitioner connects and grounds themselves and says a prayer for the healing to take place.

Luis - Luis also connects to the energy whilst I was deep in meditation!

Learning - Being talked through the series of hand positions used during a treatment, starting with the Crown Chakra.

Healing - Working on the Solar Plexus / Sacral Chakras. Is it me or are those orbs on the right hand side??

Certificates - At the end of the two day training course, the students become Reiki I Practitioners.

And of course, no day would be complete without a hug...

Or two.

The secret meaning of colds and flu

It’s amazing what you can pick up on when you connect to a person’s energy, even if they are millions of miles away, you can still give a treatment as if they are in the same room.

As colds and flu often stem from thoughts and worries, Reiki is a great tool for identifying the route of the symptom. This is what happened when I did a Distance Reiki session for a friend, last week.

She had been ill for almost a week suffering from all the usual suspects, and wasn’t getting any better.

I was drawn to two areas: The Heart Chakra and the Sacral. When I was at the heart I felt that she was upset about something to do with her parents, either due to an argument or generally missing them a lot, as they live in separate countries.

At the sacral, which is located beneath the belly button, I felt there was something to do with a secret, I couldn’t tell what the secret was or who it was being kept from, but I felt it could have been to do with her boyfriend.

When I spoke to her after the session, it turned out that her parents had just been over to visit for her birthday and she was really missing them since they left. When I mentioned the secret she couldn’t place it at all.

It wasn’t until later in the conversation when she suddenly said she had to tell me something. And there it was, a secret she had been keeping for four months.

It wouldn’t be very kind of me to reveal the secret to the world, but lets just say congratulations were in order.

An emotional experience with Louis

As I mentioned before, my dog Louis has Hip Dysplasia and is sometimes in a lot of pain (See previous post Reiki for pets)

When I took my Reiki level I course we were taught that it’s important to give healing as much as possible and the more you do it the stronger the energy becomes.

All living things can benefit from healing including animals and plants. They say that animals in particular are very receptive to Reiki, whoever ‘they’ are. I’ve been told that once animals receive enough healing they often get up and walk off!

And it’s true. Sometimes I think Louis actually jumps on my lap and asks me for Reiki, in his own cute little way, and when I start he immediately falls into a deep sleep and snores his head off – and so does our other dog Alfie! Awww. But there is one session that will stay with me forever, it was a very emotional experience…

Louis slept in my room one night. As he cuddled up next to me I took advantage of the opportunity to give him some Reiki, without any distractions. For some reason this time I felt very emotional and tearful, it was as if I had really connected to his energy and felt his sadness. After the treatment Louis slept straight through, and so did I.

The next day I thought no more of the treatment until something amazing happened. I threw a toy for Alfie, and Louis actually ran after it! I think the last time he had run around in the garden was when he was a puppy. It was incredible to watch, therefore I had to share the story.

Truly amazing.


Interested in learning Reiki?

If you’re interested in learning Reiki and live on the Costa del Sol, there is a Reiki level I course coming up this weekend in Coin.

The course takes place on Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th of November from 10am -6pm.

The Workshop

The Course includes a comprehensive manual for you to keep including:
Your Reiki Lineage
Meditations and Visualizations
Deep Relaxation
History of Reiki
Attunements and Reiju Empowerments
Hatsu Rei Ho
Power of the Universe
Meeting your Reiki Guide
Self awareness and soul Development Exercises
Self Healing
Chakra and Aura work
Healing of plants and animals
Healing for other people

Some other techniques or exercises may be incorporated to suit your individual needs.

Certificate is Awarded on completion.

The total cost is 150 euros and you are asked to bring food to share.

For more information leave me a comment or contact Jason or Luis on 952 933 870.