
So, what is Reiki?

Reiki, pronounced Ray-Key, is a natural, holistic therapy, that heals on multiple levels including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Known as the ‘laying on of hands technique’ it uses the transfer of energy from practitioner to patient to enhance the body´s natural ability to heal itself.

Like many alternative therapies, Reiki doesn´t just treat the illness, it identifies and heals the root of the problem. It is used like a mind map to spot blockages in the body – or aura – and send healing to those areas.

Could it help me?

If you have a problem then yes, it can help you.From relieving pain and reducing stress to strengthening the immune system and clearing toxins Reiki does it all. And why stop there? Colds & flu, cuts & bruises, migraine, asthma, relationships, low self-esteem, exams, sleeping difficulties, there is no end to the benefits of Reiki.

Reiki is often used in conjunction with traditional medicine and can also aid more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Although it may not cure an illness, many people have experienced a reduction or elimination of some symptoms.

What if I don´t believe in ´alternative therapies?

Reiki is unconditional and knows no boundaries, therefore it doesn´t matter if you´re a believer or a sceptic, anyone can connect to the energy.

How long does it take to work?

Each person reacts differently. There is no way to tell if or how long a treatment may take to demonstrate results. Illnesses are often caused by emotional turmoil and stress, which may go back years, therefore it takes time to heal the cause and effect.

What happens during a treatment?

During a Reiki treatment, the client lies on a massage table fully clothed while the practitioner uses a series of hand positions in contact with, or in close proximity, to the body. Incense and soothing music are often used to help clients relax and enjoy the experience. A treatment can also be performed sitting in a chair, or via distance Reiki.

What will I feel when I receive Reiki healing?

Everyone is different, you may see colours,  feel hot or cold or you may even feel nothing at all, it depends how sensitive you are to feeling the energy. This may also develop with regular treatments. However, no two sessions are the same. Reiki has an intelligence of its own and will be drawn to the areas or chakras it is needed.

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