The secret meaning of colds and flu

It’s amazing what you can pick up on when you connect to a person’s energy, even if they are millions of miles away, you can still give a treatment as if they are in the same room.

As colds and flu often stem from thoughts and worries, Reiki is a great tool for identifying the route of the symptom. This is what happened when I did a Distance Reiki session for a friend, last week.

She had been ill for almost a week suffering from all the usual suspects, and wasn’t getting any better.

I was drawn to two areas: The Heart Chakra and the Sacral. When I was at the heart I felt that she was upset about something to do with her parents, either due to an argument or generally missing them a lot, as they live in separate countries.

At the sacral, which is located beneath the belly button, I felt there was something to do with a secret, I couldn’t tell what the secret was or who it was being kept from, but I felt it could have been to do with her boyfriend.

When I spoke to her after the session, it turned out that her parents had just been over to visit for her birthday and she was really missing them since they left. When I mentioned the secret she couldn’t place it at all.

It wasn’t until later in the conversation when she suddenly said she had to tell me something. And there it was, a secret she had been keeping for four months.

It wouldn’t be very kind of me to reveal the secret to the world, but lets just say congratulations were in order.

1 thought on “The secret meaning of colds and flu

  1. The above story is very interesting to me as I have been taking varied viruses/flus twice a month for the last five months. Extensive medical tests I have had show no cause for this and I am now awaiting results from a specialist. Although I am 66, I am still considered to be healthy – except for a h.hernia and irritable bowel. I have First and Second Degreee Reiki but only use it on family and myself, though it is not as effective if I use it on myself when I am ill. I would be grateful if you could send me a distance Reiki healing. The areas which affect me are the larnyx, breathing tubes (coughs) and bad headaches when I have viruses. I would be glad if you had any thoughts on this.

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